Earlier this year I found out about the amazing Jonathan Mann (aka song a day man). For the last 2129 days (since I last checked) he has released a song a day (and this is why I’m challenging you to write a ukulele song everyday for novemeber).

A pretty impressive achievement, but as he says they aren’t all fantastic. Some are brilliant and have been featured in things like Apple’s response to “antennagate”, some are theme songs to podcasts and a few are even part of a Harry Potter opera. Others don’t have many views and are…okay. But that’s the point, to create good songs, sometimes you have to get the crap songs out of the way.
So I’m setting myself (and you if you’re up for it) a challenge. For the month of November, let’s write a ukulele song everyday.
Why November?
Because I’m playing off NaNoWriMo (national novel writing month) which is in November, plus I’m finally settled in my new house so it’s the first opportunity I’ve really had to do it.
How should I take part?
That’s up to you, I suggest you get a nice paper notebook or maybe use an electronic solution like Evernote or Dropbox, (I prefer Evernote as you can have audio, text and even handwritten notes in one file. Great for recording a sample and sketching the chords out).
When you write a song then you’ve done your days task. If you don’t write a song that day, no problem just try and catch up later. Whatever happens don’t feel guilty if you don’t make the mark, this is to encourage you to write more songs. I know that I won’t be able to do a song for the first day or two as I’m traveling without a ukulele but I’ll try to make up for it later.
If you want to share it on tumblr/sound cloud/other then add the hashtag #ukesongaday and we’ll be able to follow each other.
Can I continue after November?
of course, in fact that’s why I have chosen a hashtag with an open title like that. It’s also worth considering that 30 days is supposed to be enough to get your average habit started (the difficulty of the habit and the person can make this vary). So if you want to continue after the month finishes, then please do. I’m certainly hoping I will, even though I know I won’t be able to start properly.
Are you in?